
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, ٢٠٢٢

The Killer Car

The vehicle was going windy. None of the three occupants seemed to have any doubts about the reliability of the car. Not only had it been amply tested, it was equipped with a state-of-the-art system connected to the network that was updated in real time. An ultra modern, intelligent, ecological, comfortable car, responsive to the wishes of the passengers… More could not be asked for. The wonders of artificial intelligence did not end there. The vehicle gave conversation to its occupants. Gone were the prototypes that executed basic tasks with vocal command. This model, not yet commercialized, was practically the fourth interlocutor. Not only did he have a growing repertoire of funny jokes, raunchy anecdotes, insider information, but he twisted that stuff based on the moods of his three interlocutors, deduced from their facial expressions, scanned without interruption. In short, the system knew a lot, and it kept learning. And it was not difficult for him to retain his attention. The ...

معلومات مفيدة عن الآلات الكهربائية المنزلية

 - غسالة بوش يمكن فكها بمفك واحد ذي رأس على شكل نجمة سداسية. قرار صائب من الصانع يسهل عملي الصيانة واكتشاف الأعطال قبل اللجوء للإصلاح المكلِّف. - آلة تحضير القهوة الكهربائية الجيدة ينبغي أن تكون بقوة 19 بار فما فوق . - الآلات الكهربائية المنزلية ينبغي أن تكون من درجة +A أو A++ أو A+++ ، لأنها توفر في استهلاك الكهرباء. ثمنها مرتفع عن غيرها، لكنها ستنقص من فاتورة الطاقة كل شهر على مدار سنوات عملها .

Chod Spots [UPDATED]
